The Fédération Cynologique Internationale is, as its name says, an association,
a combination of ninety-one national canine organisations, defending common values,
sometimes defending their own values, having however, a constant interest in mind
: the DOG.
The FCI has to deal with, sometimes, 91 different points of views and each FCI member,
in its turn, has to deal with a number of standpoints which is equal to the number
of breeders/members affiliated to them in their country. It is therefore easy to
figure out the multiplicity and the diversity of opinions with which we, FCI, have
to deal daily.
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Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director
The Fédération Cynologique Internationale is, as its name says, an association,
a combination of ninety-one national canine organisations, defending common values,
sometimes defending their own values, having however, a constant interest in mind
: the DOG.
The FCI has to deal with, sometimes, 91 different points of views and each FCI member,
in its turn, has to deal with a number of standpoints which is equal to the number
of breeders/members affiliated to them in their country. It is therefore easy to
figure out the multiplicity and the diversity of opinions with which we, FCI, have
to deal daily.
We are aware of, or we do our best to be aware of, the different, individual situations
that can arise. We do our utmost to keep a neutral position and we know perfectly
well how important it is to count on the support of all stakeholders : FCI members,
breeders, exhibitors, judges, handlers, etc. To adopt a neutral position does not
however mean to be inactive.
We, the FCI, will always do whatever we can to make sure that, to the greatest possible
extent, our Statutes, Standing Orders and Regulations be properly observed. This
does not mean however that we are “infallible” but, as said earlier, we keep a clear
direction : Dog is Man's Best Friend.
Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director