The Fédération Cynologique Internationale is, as its name says, an association,
a combination of ninety-one national canine organisations, defending common values,
sometimes defending their own values, having however, a constant interest in mind
: the DOG.
The FCI has to deal with, sometimes, 91 different points of views and each FCI member,
in its turn, has to deal with a number of standpoints which is equal to the number
of breeders/members affiliated to them in their country. It is therefore easy to
figure out the multiplicity and the diversity of opinions with which we, FCI, have
to deal daily.
Read more
Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director
In memoriam Wilfried Schäpermeier
Wilfried Schäpermeier
* 9 April 1942
† 18 October 2015
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Wilfried Schäpermeier.
For many years, utility dog sports within the DVG, dhv, VDH and FCI could not have
been imagined without Wilfried Schäpermeier.
Again and again, he committed his strength and conviction to ensure the further
development of utility dog sports at national and international level.
It all began with his enjoyment of training dogs and handling them successfully
in trials.
This was followed by training to qualify as a protection assistant and subsequently
as a judge, functions that he performed with a great deal of recognition from 1983
until he reached the age of 70.
He was also involved as club and 2nd district group chairman, as senior judge in
the dhv, as Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the DVG, as Chairman of
the working group of the breeding associations and utility dog sport clubs, as VDH
expert for utility dog sports, Chairman of the VDH Utility Dogs Committee and Vice-President
of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs.
We will also continue to remember the superbly organised events at DVG, VDH and
FCI level, for which Wilfried Schäpermeier was the driving force in the respective
organising teams.
VDH has lost a committed and valiant official, a stolid Westphalian, who will be
missed by us all.
Our sympathy in these hours of grief goes to his wife Marlies and his entire family.